We are looking forward to our 2024 season. This will be the ninth year for GI Acres.
We have been recognized by the Department of Agriculture. They sent us the 2017 Census of Agriculture and we did our part by filling it out and letting them know that corn, soybeans, beef, and pork are not the only agricultural products from Nebraska. Again we were recognized with the 2022 Census of Agriculture we reported that we have more property and a more diversified group of crops. Now I have to fill one out for irrigated acres.
Kathy and I are already looking at seed catalogs and figuring out what we need to order. If there is something that you think we should try send us an email, Facebook message, text or tweet.
Do you want fresh vegetables all summer long but don’t have the time, inclination, or space to grow your own? Let us grow them for you. In 2024 we are offering 10 shares to our CSA (Community Supported Agricultural Operation). The price of a share is $500 due and payable by March 31, 2022. The growing season will begin toward the end of May or beginning of June and last through the first hard freeze or September. We are anticipating that the full season members will pick up on Monday’s again this year. There are 19 Mondays between June 3 and October 7. We are expecting a total of 15 weeks of shares during this time. We expect that most weeks it will only be vegetables but some weeks we will have eggs or value added products like Asian pepper paste, fermented pickles or prepared horseradish. We may even throw in some freeze dried food as we have added that to our stock of tools.
Again this year we are offering a short season share from July to early September with 6 weeks of pickups for $250. Typically we have had pickups for these shares on Thursdays. This is perfect for someone that isn’t sure they want to commit to a full share or for someone that just likes those summer veggies (Tomatoes, Peppers, Egg Plant etc…) It will also help us keep things picked and monitor the garden between regular weekly pickup. We will have 6 short season shares available.
Buy Your Share
You can sign up for your share at CSA Signup.
Look at what we had in each share last year. The form will only let you sign up for a season if there are shares available. If there are no shares available you can leave your contact info and we will let you know if one becomes available.