So you got these in your share tonight and you are thinking what do I do with them? They are a cucumber so you can eat them raw. They are prickly so that might not be the best idea unless you peel them. And how do you say Maxixe anyway (Mashishi)
Here are a couple of resources to help you decided what to do with them. They can be eaten raw, pickled or cooked like zucchini. Evidently they are used in Brazilian cuisine and some of these links will give you some recipes. or check this one out
Why do we grow them. Chad’s mother’s father grew them and made dill pickles with them As kids we would go to the basement of the old family house (a truly unfinshed hole in the ground and root cellar, really scary) and get jars of porcupine pickles. As we started doing our CSA Chad wanted to find those cucumbers and make his own porcupine pickles. That is what we usually do with them. We thought we would try to find you some other recipes though.
Let us know what you think.