What do you think is the biggest advantage of growing your own food or supporting a local grower?
For me, I think this picture sums it up.

When you buy real food you know that it is real. It is obvious. When your advertising hook for your food is that it has real spices it makes me think there must be some unreal things in that product as well. I hate to spend real money on unreal food. Kathy took this picture at a local grocery store.
Week 15 of real food included:
Green beans
Collard Greens
Swiss Chard
Summer squash/zucchini
Choice of Beets, Okra, Tomatillos, Cabbage
As an added bonus everyone had the opportunity to get a dozen eggs by bringing us an egg carton.
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The weather is getting colder, the nights are coming faster and the sun is not up as early. The season is winding to an end. We have just 3 more pick up days scheduled for the year and it will be over.
We have been canning, freezing and dehydrating so that we can enjoy the fruits of our labors all winter. The larder is filling up with all kinds of good things.
Over the last few weeks Chad discovered that he had an umbilical hernia. A trip to the emergency room and a follow up trip to the surgery center have cured that but the next few weeks will not involve much lifting. Hard to do when even moving the hose for irrigation is beyond the limitations. Some of the winter squash might even be too heavy. The little honey nut butternut squash won’t be too heavy though.