Our veggies were not as blemish free this week. We got a bit of hail on Friday night last week and it dented up a bunch of things. The tomatoes are coming in strong and the beans and cucumbers are slowing down. Some of the summer squash and zucchini plants are on their last legs. We need to replant so we have some for the end of the season. The winter squash are starting to get ready and we have a bunch of pumpkins that volunteered this year. This week we had: sweet corn, tomatoes (more than 12), a cucumber, kale, eggplant, summer squash/zucchini (3 each), spaghetti squash or Lakota squash, choice of okra or beans and basil. We cut open a water melon to share but it was under ripe so we fed it to the chickens and rabbits. The colors of summer are strong in the share this week. Over the last tow week we have also included a dozen eggs for each member as a bonus. Half our members got a dozen last week and half got a dozen this week.
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