We are moving into the summer crops. This week’s share included a lot of summer squash and our first green beans. Not everyone got green beans but next week I think everyone will. We had to pull a second table out of the garage to put all of the veggies on. We had 2 kinds of lettuce and 2 kinds of cabbage. Our garden cabbage was really yummy. The Napa cabbage turned out nice too. If you didn’t get Napa you could choose baby beats. Everyone got radishes including black Spanish and Daikon. If you didn’t get green beans you could choose peas or potatoes. Everyone got basil, Swiss Chard, Fennel, Leeks, Garlic, Cucumbers and Basil. The other choice was between egg plant, okra and turnips. God has blessed us a with productive garden this year. We are getting rain right now and if there isn’t any hail it should continue to thrive.[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”21″ gal_title=”Week 07 Share July 12, 2017″]