Palm Sunday weekend we began to plant. The weather was great and the soil was getting warm. We planted Carrots (Royal Chantenay, Rainbow Hybrid, Cosmic Purple and Purple Haze), Chard (Rainbow, Ruby Red and Rhubarb), Spinach (Giant Noble, Escalade Hard), Peas (Oregon Giant Snowpea, Garden Pea Now and Later, Dwarf Grey Sugar), Onions (red and white), Potatoes (white, pink and purple fingerlings) and Mustard (Florida Broadleaf, Southern Giant Curled). Two weeks later that are all looking great. We have plants growing where we planted seeds.
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In the last couple of weeks we have added leeks, onions, lettuce (Butter Crunch, Black Seeded Simpson, Grand Rapids, Ithica Head Lettuce), Kale (Red Russian, Winter Wonderland Mix), Pok Choy (Toy Choy), and Chinese Cabbage (Hilton)