Lots of activity at GI Acres. We took seeds to Barb’s Greenhouse in St. Libory this weekend. Bard will be starting all of our plants. They have a great setup and hopefully this works out better than what we did last year. Barb will be starting more than 400 plants for us. Tomatoes, Peppers, Melons, Squash, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Broccoli, Fennel and Egg Plant. We will have a wide variety of shapes and colors of tomatoes this year. If you need some plants this year look her up either at the green house or at the farmers market at Orschelns.
The newest of our chickens are getting big. We have 12 new chicks this year. At least 6 of them are guaranteed to be pullets. We are hoping for 9 pullets. They will be moving outside to temporary quarters next to the others soon.
In a couple of days we will have been at this place for 2 years. We knew we wanted to grow a variety of perennials, including asparagus, strawberries and rhubarb. All of those are coming up and looking good.

In the next week we will be planting potatoes and peas. We bought 20 lbs of seed potatoes and have left overs of fingerlings from last year’s stock.
As of today March 19th we have sold 7 shares for 2017. We still have 3 shares left for the next year and are still hopeful that we will sell all of them.