We will be offering 10 shares again this year.  As of today (1-15-17) I know that we have 2 shares left.  We haven’t heard from all of our 2016 members and they have the first choice about rejoining. We have made an investment in a CSA Cookbook, Bounty from the Box a CSA Cookbook, and we are authorized to share recipes with our members.  This should help us give you more ideas about what to do with your CSA box.

This year we plan to have rhubarb, strawberries and asparagus early in the year.  Our first pickup should be in late May.

You can view our CSA member agreement here: GI Acres CSA Member Agreement 2017.  Please return this with your order.

If you want to update your 2016 membership and claim your 2017 membership or if you want to join up today for the 2017 season click HERE!  Below you can see pictures of our 2017 shares.


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